Posted 4 years ago
(3476 items)
This was sold in the 1990s by Formative International under the Soldiers of the World name. For some reason I didn't buy their stuff back then but now I am picking up all of it I run across. They made a huge amount of figures mostly WWII. They also made America Civil War, Revolutionary War, WWI, Korean War, Vietnam and Desert Storm figures. This is from a diorama accessory set for the Vietnam War. This being a 60 gallon oil drum which was used widely by the US Army. A common use was as a poop burner. Empty drums were filled with poop and mixed with gasoline. It was said to be the distinctive smell of Vietnam.
I have it here with my Vietnam era Loach helicopter and 105mm howitzer. This is 1/6 scale which fits the GI Joe figures. The uniforms are Ultimate Soldier.
And yes there is more to come.
Very cool!! Merry Christmas to you my friend!!
Very nice!
Merry Christmas to you!
Thank you very much scott and Merry Christmas.
Thank you very much Watchsearcher.
And Merry Christmas to you Mrstyndall.