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Can anyone identify this parlor table???

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Tables45 of 1382three old dining table leaves in original storage crateOld Tea Table? Accent Table? Help me please to identify this one
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (27 items)

    Can anyone identify the maker of this parlor table??
    I believe it is victorian era but don't know if its
    Brooks Brothers?
    Herter Brothers?

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Same picture..
    2. bjb5859 bjb5859, 4 years ago
      Yes ,Same pictures,I have conflicting details as to who
      actually made this table ,trying to clear up the confusion
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 4 years ago
      Nice east lake table with some other style elements. Not Herter, I wish, and you would too, still a beautiful piece !~
    4. bjb5859 bjb5859, 4 years ago
      Is there a chance that Brooks brothers made this for East Lake
    5. fortapache fortapache, 4 years ago
      There were so many furniture makers it would be near impossible to find out the maker without a mark. Beautiful table.
    6. scottvez scottvez, 4 years ago
      Beautiful Eastlake table!

      Eastlake (one word) is a style and not a particular company.

      It is named after the English designer, Charles Eastlake, who designed but did not make furniture.

    7. bjb5859 bjb5859, 4 years ago
      So,The maker could be anybody
    8. bjb5859 bjb5859, 4 years ago
      This could actually be Brooks Brothers ???
      Did Brooks Brothers have there own Label or mark???
    9. scottvez scottvez, 4 years ago
      There were a lot of companies producing this type of furniture in the 1870s- 90s.

      Your piece shows a lot of quality. The inset top is very unusual and may lead to some possible makers.

    10. scottvez scottvez, 4 years ago
      A photo of the underside may be helpful-- that is also where I would expect it to be marked, if it was originally.

    11. bjb5859 bjb5859, 4 years ago
      Just uploaded new pic of only makings to found
    12. scottvez scottvez, 4 years ago
      Nice! At least you know the maker of the marble and a region of the maker.

      Maybe some research on the marble maker and who they worked with, along with the inset top, will yield some possibles.

    13. bjb5859 bjb5859, 4 years ago
      Thanks Scott

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