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Loetz Aventurin and Fuxit

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Bohemian Art Glass735 of 6915Victorian tube vase with applied plum - comparisonsBohemian Glass (?) with Hand Painted Details and Floral Engraving
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (132 items)

    3 years ago I bought a Loetz vase in the Aventurin mit blau decor in the shape of PPN II-981 with a painting DEK 473. This decor was later identified as Fuxit. Today I received a vase of the same PPN and DEK in the Aventurin decor. Both vases have dimensions: 23 cm x 14.3 cm x 9.8 cm and were made in about 1904. The design of the painting has minor differences.

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    1. Sammyz Sammyz, 4 years ago
      Very nice, Ales!
    2. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 4 years ago
      has everything
    3. philmac51 philmac51, 4 years ago
      Fabulous piece!
    4. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 4 years ago
      What a lovely pair; the DEK works so well on these square pieces!

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