Posted 4 years ago
(11 items)
My husband and I have birthdays that are only a month apart so we enjoy splurging on a grand present that we will both enjoy. Luckily, we both love collecting Loetz. This year we purchased "our" present before my birthday but it arrived after his birthday so the anticipation of its arrival made it even more fun for both of us.
Titania is one of our favorite Loetz decors. Ausf 146 is a rare and wonderful Loetz Titania execution so this year we gave ourselves a red Ausf 146 in PN II-8645! Titania is a marvel, difficult to execute and the "best of the best" in glass production terms IMHO. I know of no other glass house that created art glass using Titania threads like Loetz did.
The color of the Titania decoration on this Ausf 146 example is documented as "rot"/red. While it may look like a "reddish brown", this example is typical of Loetz "rot". Only Loetz examples made in "Imperial-red", like the example of Titania Gre 6388 in PN II-6387 here, look like what we would usually associate with the color "red".
A VERY Happy Birthday to you both!! Enjoy your incredibly beautiful birthday gift!!
Wow, a wonderful celebratory gift for each other!
Amazing glass.
Birthday congratulations to you both and also to a wonderful gift.
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes and loves!
What a wonderful birthday present, Deb! The colors in your vase are so rich and wonderful - it is a very special piece!
My congratulations to your 'both' birthdays. You are still successfuly expanding one of the best Loetz 'Titania' (and may others) collections, I'm aware of.
Thanks, Kai. That means a lot coming from you as I know and admire your wonderful collection of Loetz also.