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Astronomical ball gold ring with zodiac symbols on it with writing

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1 item)

    Astronimical ball gold ring 16th century with zodiac symbols old dont know what it is yet or but i know its very old and beautiful what antique place would like myIt looks so beautiful can anyone agree

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    1. Gillian, 4 years ago
      One of our rules at CW is not discussing buying or selling or prices of our items. We're interested in collecting, sharing research and knowledge. You have an interesting piece but your photos are very blurry - it's difficult to tell what I'm looking at. Can you post some clearer pics? You can edit your original post.
    2. Clevereaddy82, 4 years ago
      Is that better neede to take the pic open the way its suppose to be but wanted u to c what it had written on it. What can u tell me about it
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 4 years ago
      Very interesting !.!!!.!
    4. keramikos, 4 years ago
      Hi, Clevereaddy82. :-)

      Gillian is quite correct about the rules.

      That said, your ring is cool, although it isn't clear how old it is.

      A casual search of the Internet for "astronomical sphere ring" turned up numerous similar rings that are brand new.

      About astronomical rings:


      Astronomical rings (Latin: annuli astronomici),[1] also known as Gemma's rings, are an early astronomical instrument. The instrument consists of three rings, representing the celestial equator, declination, and the meridian.

      It can be used as a sun dial to tell time, if the approximate latitude and season is known, or to tell latitude, if the time is known or observed (at solar noon). It may be considered to be a simplified, portable armillary sphere, or a more complex form of astrolabe.


      Parts of the instrument go back to instruments made and used by ancient Greek astronomers. Gemma Frisius combined several of the instruments into a small, portable, astronomical-ring instrument. He first published the design in 1534,[2] and in Petrus Apianus's Cosmographia in 1539. These ring instruments combined terrestrial and celestial calculations.[3]

    5. IVAN49 IVAN49, 4 years ago
      It is beyond understanding people still believe in miracles, like great finds at garage sales, Rembrandt in the attic, and 16th century ring.
    6. keramikos, 4 years ago
      IVAN49, It's not impossible that this one is old, but given the prevalence of new ones out there, it does seem unlikely.

    7. jhaskins1717, 3 years ago
      I was just gifted one with a pendulum. After researching they seem to be popular, so I'm not certain if yours is old. I still can not find out the meaning of NI+OR E+DLV which are printed/carved on one of the sides. Mines also show the zodiac symbol Jan, Dec, and October, and DIFA ASON, which I learned is Italian for December, Jan. Feb. April, August, Sept, Oct, and Nov...mines have a little ball/bubble in the middle which if you hold it up to the light reads" I love you" in over 100 languages...hopefully this description helps. And let me know if you find any information regarding the symbols. Thanks, Happy New Year!

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