Posted 4 years ago
(431 items)
Bought an old coke cooler and this coke carrier with bottles was inside. Was coke in bottles ever sold 6 for .25 cents?
6 cokes for .25 cents? | ||
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Posted 4 years ago
(431 items)
Bought an old coke cooler and this coke carrier with bottles was inside. Was coke in bottles ever sold 6 for .25 cents?
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What an awesome bonus to get with your Coca-Cola cooler!! Must be a pretty old bottle carrier for them to be priced 6 for 25¢.
Those were the days!
Well Coke was a nickel
seems like you would get a six pack discount
They were 5 cents in the vending machines, so buying 6 for 25 cents was your best deal in the stores.
I remember when Cokes were 5 cents in the machines, then when they went up to 10 cents, it seemed outrageous!
But, going to the store to buy the 6 pack, you had better remember to take your 6 empties or you would have to pay 2 or 3 cents per bottle for a deposit.
And I just noticed a “huge” issue: they were not .25 cents each (with a decimal point before the 25, that makes it one fourth of a cent each, or 4 for a penny. So do not use the decimal point before the numbers if you are also using the word ‘cent’ or symbol for cent after the numbers.
Don’t feel bad, it’s a common mistake!
To use the decimal point correctly, it has to be expressed as $0.25 for it to equal a quarter.
Thanks everybody for stopping by! Appreciate you all!
Eileen, you are very close! $0.04
Living near the beach must have been a great experience especially with tourists handing over 4 cents! Gosh, even 1 bottle could get you some bubble gum, a few more bottles could score you an ice cream cone!!
I remember when the price went from 5¢ to 6¢. My father starting driving to the bottling bottling plant where he could still get them for 5¢ by the case. "Let's get a case ! It'll last longer !". Yeah, right ! That really works for a case of beer ! LOL !!
BB2, Thank you!!!!
Several times over the years I’ve mentioned remembering that Cokes went from costing 5 cents to 6 cents....people have disputed that and denied recalling it until I thought I must have imagined it.
Now you have, at long last, confirmed for me that my memory was correct! >HUG<
Thanks everyone for stopping by and looking and loving and all the comments! I sure do APPRECIATE you all! I will get the actual coke cooler posted soon that this carrier came in.
You are extremely lucky to have that Coke carrier! I’ve been watching for one for years, just to have it for old times sake. They are very rare.
My Granny had one like that plus a larger one that held 12 bottles. I can attest to the agony that skinny little metal handle causes when you are carrying it full of drinks.....especially the 12-pack. Granny would send us kids to the store-probably half a mile round-trip, walking. We had to take turns carrying the coke carriers on the way back because the handles hurt our hands so badly!
Hey Watch.....send me you mailing address and I would be more than Happy to give it to you. Especially with those memories you talked about. Ralph
Ralph!!! You are bringing tears to my eyes!!!
I would treasure it and my siblings probably have the same painful memories I have of that ‘torture device’ skinny handle! What a great family show and tell session we could have! I’m not kidding....gotta go get a tissue!
How can I send u my address?
Hey email address is in my profile. I am Very Happy to be a part of this,Ralph
Ralph, I’m not seeing it there....Patricia you go:,Ralph
Thank you Ralph! I just sent an email to you.
Somebody who wants something that brings memories of pain ! I knew there were some weirdos here on CyberAsylum ! LOL ! While I'm here, I would love that Union Pacific spittoon. LMAO !!
Got your email is the neat thing about it. You live in cartersville georgia and I live in calhoun georgia. I will answer your email with my phone number. Give me a call Tuesday and we can arrange a meeting and you can get your carrier,Ralph bb2....I got your address brother:)
Ralph, I will call tomorrow! You’ve made my day!
BB2, what can I say? The agony of it has faded with time, just leaving me with the good memories....kinda like childbirth, I guess. :^)
And, please explain: you desire to have a spittoon?
I’m hoping there’s not some need to use it for it’s original purpose! ;-)
Ralph, after I read the embossed statement: “property of the Coca Cola bottling co” inside the carrier, I realized that might answer the mystery of whatever happened to my Granny’s Coke carriers.
They very likely were items that you paid a deposit for and got to use them as long as you wanted to, but got your deposit back when you returned them. She might have needed the money more than she needed the carriers....she and my grandfather lived very frugally.
Actually Watch, I would prefer a birth certificate with a more recent date. LOL !
BB2, that will be harder to come by and might get you in trouble....stick with the spittoon, it’s safer.
Could that reactivate the Statute de Limitations ?!! LOL !!
I want to say a HUGE Thank You to Cokeman1959 (Ralph) for the very special gift of this Coke carrier today! Small world- he lives in a neighboring town.
I put my own 6.5 oz. Coke bottles in it, then weighed it on a scale.....almost 6 pounds empty! Filled bottles with water and reweighed it....just over 8 pounds!
No wonder that handle felt like a torture device to my hands when I was a child!
Eileen, Thank you for your kind words. I totally agree with you that CW has many fine members, so knowledgeable and so generous with that knowledge- and in this case with Ralph, generous with their possessions.
When Ralph made the offer to give me the Coke carrier, I had just the day before, put my Morton Bend trade token in the mail to the great grandson of the store owner who had seen and commented on my post on CW of the token.
Sometimes, things happen in unexplainable ways.
Your childhood sounds just magical to me, having spent my childhood living in the country on a dirt road. I remember a childhood trip to the coast, mostly to see the ocean, not to frolic in the water though since my parents were afraid we would drown.
As an adult employed as a travel nurse for years, I usually chose beach side ‘resort-type’ assignments and even lived on a boat for a few years. I think I was making up for missed childhood experiences!!
BB2 living on his island, you with your magical childhood at the beach....ideal!!
And Cokes 6 for 25 cents in a metal carrier....happily walking to the store for them even knowing the trip home would be painful....those are good memories! And Ralph giving me the carrier so I can keep that memory alive with the younger generation around here....just priceless!
Thank you so much, Eileen!
Ralph’s photos showing the bottoms of the bottles reminded me of something I haven’t thought of in years: How many folks remember this little friendly competition that was common among my family? When everyone had finished drinking their Coke, they would turn the bottle over and read aloud the name of the city/state that is noted there. Whoever had the bottle from the most far-away city ‘won’ prize, just bragging rights!