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Very old Coca Cola crate

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Recent Activity4 of 161Some of my Coke collection 6 cokes for .25 cents?
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1 item)

    My research indicates that the logo with “Trademark” located inside the tail of the C in Coca was used up until 1904, which would make this a very old case. I have seen some old so called Hutchinson style cases sell on ebay but I have not seen another similar logo containing the Trademark in the C tail. Anybody seen this particular logo on any coke advertising? Condition is old and weathered but if I’m right it’s nearly 120 years old. Anybody shed some light on this?

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 3 years ago
      Can't tell..does it say trademark or trademark registered?,the%20%22C%22%20in%20Coca.
    2. Leo7504 Leo7504, 3 years ago
      Says Trademark
    3. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 3 years ago
      That's a beauty Leo, yes an early one and you're in the ballpark with your dating, c. 1905 safe to say. No city which might indicate use by more than one bottler. Kentucky piece maybe. Nice find!
    4. Leo7504 Leo7504, 3 years ago
      Thanks Daddy_Nobucks, with that divider, any idea how the bottles were stored in here?
    5. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 3 years ago
      The inside looks to be slotted for a perforated false bottom (long gone), for carrying bottles neck down. Similar to #3 here:
    6. Leo7504 Leo7504, 3 years ago
      Yes, that’s very observant, the slots are a full inch wide on each end but they start 3 1/2 inches from the bottom of the crate. The middle divider is not slotted on either side and is 5 1/4 from the bottom so the perforated bottom could fit across the bottom if not for the divider. I guess it’s possible the divider was a later addition?
    7. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 2 years ago
      I was thinking the perforated bottom was in two pieces, on either side of the brace. A combination of #1 and #3 in that link I sent (from 1926, so much later). It's and old, early box. The condition of the print and logo on that one side makes for a super piece to display.

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