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Greenlight 1972 Airstream Land Yacht Safari Travel Trailer With Awning 1/64 Scale

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (3472 items)

    Yes another exciting vintage travel trailer by Greenlight Collectibles. This one is everyone's favorite, the Airstream. I have a weathered version and the short Bambi but this is the larger Safari version. I think Greenlight added the "Land Yacht". Generally that refers to the American cars of the later 1960s.
    The special feature on this is the awning which is removable. As large as these trailers may be the awning provides a bit more space outside. You are supposed to be camping anyway so set up a couple of deck chairs and there you go.
    Greenlight hasn't released any new trailers of late but hopefully soon.

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    1. RichmondLori RichmondLori, 4 years ago
      fort - I bet that you really never sleep, I imagine you have so much fun each and every day going through all the items in your large collection - reminds me of much younger days when we had all the toys and not the electronics. Enjoy every minute of your day with your collection. Lori
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 4 years ago
      Great little Airstream!!
    3. fortapache fortapache, 4 years ago
      Thank you very much RichmondLori. I live like a very wealthy 12 year old.

      And thank you very much Scott.
    4. hotairfan hotairfan, 4 years ago
      best vacation trailer ever made!!
    5. fortapache fortapache, 4 years ago
      Thank you very much hotairfan. I believe you are correct.

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