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Big antique 19th century Émaux Bressans locket, base metal gilt and silvered.

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Recent Activity5 of 142Micro Mosaic flower garnet locket pendant set in Silver Granny's --- Necklace and Locket
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (436 items)

    Following Agram post, here is my latest addition to my bressans enamel collection.
    This piece is big, 7.5cm or 3" high.
    The bressans enamels are in pristine condition, I only had to kyratise a small area of the black enamel with white dots border ;-)
    Articulated, base metal gilded and silvered.

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    1. kyratango kyratango, 4 years ago
      Agram post:
      French reportage about Émaux Bressans:
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 4 years ago
      Such a beautiful locket Kyra!!
    3. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Superb antique locket with gorgeous enamel colors and detail
    4. Agram.m Agram.m, 4 years ago
      Kyra why didn't you post it earlier it's such a fantastic locket. Thanks for your links to the Youtube film about that kind of jewelry and also for your interest and knowledge!
    5. kyratango kyratango, 4 years ago
      Marga... It arrived last week :-D
    6. plein-air-painter plein-air-painter, 4 years ago
      What a fabulous antique! Thanks for posting these museum worthy objets d'art.
    7. kyratango kyratango, 4 years ago
      Scott, Jenni, thank you for your lovely visit and kind comments!
      Thanks too to the early lovers :-))
    8. RichmondLori RichmondLori, 4 years ago
      Beautiful, this one caught my eye immediately, great piece. Lovely and in such good condition for the age, awesome!
    9. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 4 years ago
      A lot of pieces from the 1920's have that Paris look of Russian craftsmen and especially women who escaped to paris from Bolshevik ruined Russia to produce this breathtaking art, a true gem !~

    10. kyratango kyratango, 4 years ago
      Hi Phil! Thank you for your nice comment, but no, nothing to do with Russian origin :-)
      History of these enamels:

      Plain-air- painter, Eileen, RichmondLori, thank you for your enthusiastic comments!
    11. salome000 salome000, 4 years ago
      Oh oh oh I LOVE this gorgeous piece of antique wearable fine art! That’s the description I use with my husband because it sounds better than “I went out and purchased another piece of old jewelry I won’t wear out but once a year because I’m afraid something will happen to it”. LOL but in all seriousness this took my breath away when I logged on yesterday (the first time in a month) and I wanted to say your eye and your taste are both exquisite! May I borrow both on occasion? :)
    12. Agram.m Agram.m, 4 years ago
      salomeooo of course I fully agree. I hope you admire my Bourg-en Bresse jewelry too.
    13. kyratango kyratango, 4 years ago
      Oohh, Salome, that's a bunch of compliments!
      Thank you!!! Of course, my jewellery could be borrowed by cautious, enthusiastic lovers of it ;-)))
      Condition is... Not leaving my sight :-D
      I consider my pieces as wearables art too, better than Hubby's bikes accumulation! Lol.
    14. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 4 years ago
      O this is really beautiful! I haven't been on cw for some time so there are lots of goodies for the eye to explore, this being one of them.
    15. kyratango kyratango, 4 years ago
      Thank you Elizabethan! Always happy to see you on CW :-)
      I'm less here too but always happy to catch in with news ;-))
    16. Manikin Manikin, 4 years ago
      Wow I missed this beauty ! Looks like something for royalty . xo
    17. kyratango kyratango, 4 years ago
      Aww, Mani, you are the Queen of kindness!
      Thank you!!! Big XO. :-))
    18. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 4 years ago
      Hi Kyra!!! This is spectacular!!! I sure wish I knew how to solder! Now it's just too hard to see. Although I don't mind so much the head piece you can wear, it's just a bit difficult to wear for a long period of time for me. Wish I were brave enough to get laser surgery done, but NO! xoxo
    19. Celiene Celiene, 4 years ago
      Is the back glass? Do you put hair in it? Or anything a wearer would like?
    20. kyratango kyratango, 4 years ago
      Ooh Shareurpassion, sorry I missed your comment... :-\
      I didn't make any soldering on it! Only a very little touch up on a tiny area lacking white dots enamel.
      Sorry too for your sight issues, be brave and do the laser if it can improve!!!
    21. kyratango kyratango, 4 years ago
      Celiene, yes, there is a compartment on back with a hinged glass! And, no, I won't put anything in it :-D
      I'm used to keep what is inside antique pieces unless it is full of mold, I consider it is respect to beloved memories of someone ;-)
    22. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 4 years ago
    23. kyratango kyratango, 4 years ago
      Thank you vintagelamp!
    24. apostata apostata, 2 years ago
      russian that,s fun, this is seconde empire carreau , used for bélière mainly, seconde empire is alsmost closed period, part of the Napoleon 3 style around 1871, nice

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