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Marvelous Moving Motion Matchbox Monday MB 66 Greyhound Bus 1967

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (3472 items)

    Posted one of these earlier, this time it is all about the box. The one I posted was box impaired which is to say no box. Matchbox and boxes just seem to go together. This box is an E style box which was used in 1967 and 1968. It is easy to narrow down as it has "New Model" on the end flaps. That narrows it down to 1967 which makes it pretty narrow.
    The clerk working at the place where I bought it said he just had taken a Greyhound to Las Vegas and it was quite nice. In movies and TV there is always a lot of drama. Never believe what you see on movies and TV as it is all based on what the writers saw on movies on TV. OK enough padding.

    The original post with more information.

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    1. fortapache fortapache, 4 years ago

      easy access active link.

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