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Art Deco spatter glass vase - perhaps Kralik Wave?

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LOUMANAL's loves50 of 1791Friday’s Estate Sale FindSmall Welz Vase
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (948 items)

    This is a really interesting & unusual vase that I got soon as I walked into the shop, I grabbed it!
    It just spoke to me, even though it isn't the Victorian glass I usually go for...what attracted me was the fact I'd not seen anything quite like it before, in four decades of collecting & looking at art glass. It's also weird, but in a good way.
    The vase is made from two layers of cased glass in a sort of milky off - white shade. There is bottom - up spatter in a neon - bright lime green, & rather casually applied pulled loop trailing in bright orange.
    The vase is a simple shape, & measures 18 cm tall, 6 cm across the cut & polished top rim, & 5.3 cm across the base, which does not have a pontil mark.
    I think this is most likely of Bohemian origin, & probably from the Art Deco era.
    After having looked at a lot of images of Kralik's Wave decor, I think it may be an example, though I have not seen anything with this exact colour combination.

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    1. kralik1928 kralik1928, 4 years ago
      Quite right! It is the a variation on the drape with confetti (wave decor) found in red/white/blue. I have seen a few abstract drape decors (at first I thought it was a mistake) - so now I think the decor is exactly what was intended; color is very rare though... quite nice. Welz made a shape exCtally like this but then again so did kralik/ES&co
    2. Glasstronaut Glasstronaut, 4 years ago
      Love the colors. Almost a neon green. Really unusual.... Can’t say I’ve seen this one before. Great score!
    3. IronLace IronLace, 4 years ago
      Many thanks, Jericho, your thoughts much appreciated!
    4. IronLace IronLace, 4 years ago
      Thanks also, Glasstronaut - the unusual factor is definitely what drew me to this was in a window display, & as I walked into the shop, I just reached out & grabbed it right away. The proprietors of the shop had just been talking about what an unusual vase it was, too!

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