Posted 4 years ago
(3475 items)
I am working on getting a fleet of these, I think 10 would be a good amount. A real train might have 20-50 of them. The typical HO train set came with a mix of freight cars. Oil car, box car, ore car, flat car and so on but an actual freight train will large amounts of the same kind of car. There are mixed freight too but would still have large amounts of the same type of car. Oil cars are owned by the oil companies so they would all be the same type and company.
Now I don't know about everyone else but I think these triple dome cars with the blue and orange paint scheme are the coolest. Current tank cars are domeless and single dome tanks were the norm since the 1950s so I am thinking 1940s/50s on these for the real ones.
As for when the models were made the one on the left (fig 4) is 1970s or so and the one featured in most of the photos is circa 1990 (plus or minus a decade) as it has the more realistic Kaydee couplers.
Special thanks to the UP GP9 pulling these.
Does each dome indicate a separate tank. That is, could a three dome car carry three products? Such as diesel, alcohol and simple syrup?
I have some of these in the Texaco livery (silver with black writing) made by Athearn I have studied the picture and I'm sure these are Athearn too, they came as a simple kitset that needed to be assembled. I got the first of mine in the late 70s and them more in the early 80s, they came with the horn/hook couplers the Kadees where something discerning owners added later. I also have a Shell in yellow and a single dome B&O that is black with white writing. Haven't looked at these in years brings back memories I remember trying to get an American loco in every road name, got a bit silly there is/was so many. In the end thinned it down to mainly Sante Fe and UP. The Union livery is striking!
Nice Tanker. Looks like Kadee Magna-matic couplers !
Thank you very much fattytail. I think that is highly likely.
Thank you very much BHIFOS. I checked others on the net and they are identical to the Athearns. These have slightly different colors but that changes from batch to batch.I should get rid of all my random tankers and get all matching ones.
Thank you very much Alfie. I think you are correct.
Thank you very much Ms.CrystalShip. My pleasure.
Made it to #7.