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Coin themed Japanese tetsu-kyusu by Nanbu Ho-Sei-Do, Oitomi, Japan

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1207 items)

    This Japanese coin themed tetsu (cast iron) kyusu is 3.5" high x 5.75" in diameter minus handle and spout. It holds 24 ounces of water and has its original infuser. The urushi lining is very thin and the interior is rough on the inside top and has many sand like inclusions. That being said, the coverage is complete and there is no rust inside. Not seen this before on such a nicely made tetsu kyusu. Marked, made by Nanbu Ho-Sei-Do, Oitomi, Japan. I was able to identify the maker of this tetsu-kyusu by sending an email to the on line seller of similar pots and asking them who made it!

    I would appreciate hearing from anyone who knows of sources of reference materials for Japanese factory cast iron ware made in the Osu, Morioka, Yamagate, Aichi, Niigata and ? regions of Japan, especially tetsu-kyusu an tetsbuin. I may have accidentally purchased some studio made pots but still learning about the various markings on Japanese cast iron teapots.
    "Oitomi, the manufacture of Nanbu tetsubin
    Oitomi is an atelier which produces the Nanbu tetsubin of Azmaya. Oitomi is established in 1848. Since the establishment, it has produced the Nanbu tekki for about 170 years.

    This Oitomi is the first atelier that exported the Nanbu tetsubin from Japan to the United States of America in 1954. Since then, Oitomi has been widely known as a representative of Nanbu tekki atelier.

    Many other ateliers produce great cast iron teapots or kettles of Nanbu tekki in Iwate prefecture. However, Oitomi is characterized by the integrated manufacturing system. The craftsmen of Oitomi made design, mold, casting, polishing, and finishing. The integrated manufacturing system makes it possible to improve the item, and low cost. That is why Oitomi has won great popularity for 170 years."

    This is a used kyusu but I found new ones for sale on I found some very similar, and some direct copies, Chinese made pots on line. Though Japanese, this kyusu can be purchased new for about $70 plus tax with free shipping, so really inexpensive for a brand new Japanese cast iron kyusu. It is marked down from $99.95, though. I might not have bought mine if I had realized it is currently in production and not an older pot. Oh well, still a nice pot. Not advertising for zensuke, just wish I had done a bit more research before accepting the seller's offer, though I did pay much less for it. The seller saw I had been looking at it so sent me offer with about a 15% discount which put it in my sweet spot.

    I went on a little buying spree over the past few days as it appears that I have resolved a major home repair issue for pennies instead of the many thousands of dollars I had expected to spend. I still have some work to do to completely resolve the issue and it will eventually cost me a few hundreds of dollars to resolve, and some sweat equity, but I have found a work around which allows me to do much of the work myself at my own pace. Yay!

    In celebration, I found three unused Japanese kyusu, two definitely vintage (cast aluminum infusers) and one more recent, two arare (hobnail) and another cherry bark version all in my Mr. Scrooge price range, under $40. One was under $30 and another comes with a very nice trivet which sells new from Japan for $90. Hard to stop buying these when I can find nice ones so reasonably priced. All three are interesting versions of styles of pots I already have but good examples of pots by makers not currently in my collection. The kyusu in this post is the fourth celebratory kyusu and the least interesting to me. I (the Sucker) would not have pursued it if the seller had not made an offer. There is probably not another coin themed kyusu in my future.

    Hey CW! I think we need a Japanese Metal Ware category as this pot does not fit well in another category and I have a pile of Japanese metal ware posted on CW!

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    1. apostata apostata, 4 years ago
      in the pace you are buying this stuff , the japanese metalware categegory would be overloaded soon ,Kon'nichiwa lol
    2. Theonlyone Theonlyone, 4 years ago
      I hope your house is on a slab ,,so the floor wont give,,,, always nice to see your posts.....
    3. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Wonderful coin design, a really really nice one!
    4. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks for your comments apostata! I learn by looking at and handling things in addition to study of reference materials. It is harder with these tetsu-kyusu and testubin because I can find very little published information about non-studio Japanese metal ware and what sources I can find on line are very often contradictory. I did buy a couple of books focused on Japanese metal ware, but they ignore factory produced items. Unfortunately, where I live there is no place to go and look at or handle Japanese metal ware. I am slowly learning by looking at and handling some kyusu, while hoping to avoid accidental death due to an avalanche of kyusu in my home. Fortunately, it is possible to easily find inexpensive, used testsu-kyusu. (I am adding a request in the description for any suggestions about good reference materials for Japanese factory made metal ware. It is easily possible that I have missed some good materials...)

      Thanks for your comments Theonlyone! If my home was going to sink into the ground due the weight of my collections it would already have done so! I guess it is possible that it may someday reach a tipping point which could be pretty spectacular for my neighbors to watch. I guess they might hear a short "Uh, oh." at the beginning of the event.

      Thanks for your comment, Jenni! Comparing this one to a Chinese copy really makes it apparent how high the quality of this little pot is.

      Thanks for taking a look at my latest kyusu Thomas, apostata, Jenni, Theonlyone, Kevin and jscott0363!
    5. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks dav2no1!
    6. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks fortapache!
    7. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 4 years ago
      Super for your beautiful collection, I almost missed this one.
    8. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks for your comment and for loving my latest kyusu PhilDMorris! I should be adding another today or tomorrow!
    9. Ben Ben, 4 years ago
      Hi kwqd.
      Here you go:
      The sentence of text in there now is obviously just a placeholder. ;-) Will add to it soon.
      Let us know if you think we are missing anything in the items we are pulling from eBay, or if you think we should be excluding groups of items based on search terms.
    10. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks very much Ben! I appreciate it! I will keep an eye on it!
    11. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks for your comments, Eileen, and for loving my coin themed tetsu-kyusu! I assemble my images with a really easy to use free graphics program called The Gimp. I only use Linux but there is a free version for Windows and Mac, too.
    12. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      If anyone is wondering why I requested a new category for Japanese metalwork, it is because the only existing category where Japanese metal items in my collection sort of fit was in the Japanese Antiques category. The great majority of Japanese metal items in my collection are not old enough to be antiques (100 years old), though a few are old enough to be vintage (50 years old), classifications which are generally accepted. Most of it probably just falls under the description of collectible, based on age. Now I can properly classify the majority of my items and put those that are also old enough into the Japanese Antiques sub-category. I have a degree in library science, so this has been a pea under my mattress for some time. Thanks to CW for understanding!
    13. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thank you AmphoraPottery!
    14. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Thanks SEAN68!
    15. kwqd kwqd, 3 years ago
      Thank you vcal!

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