Posted 4 years ago
(384 items)
All the way from Illinois. Went with the wife to Tennessee for the DIXIE gas show. It was her first time going and I picked up my new sign I won on a Facebook auction. Did some sight seeing too. I have wanted one of these for a long time. Happy Hunting my Friends !!!
THREE CHEERS for the blue ovals!! <applause>
Now, you just need to take down that pesky framed picture on your foyer wall and replace it with THIS?!! ;-) ;-) ;-)
Congratulations Trey on winning that amazing antique Ford sign, so cool
I misread this at first and thought you said you picked up your new son at a gas show, and I thought to myself "thats where he gets his great kids from'' and so now a cute wife doing the showing off, I wonder if an old ford sign will go up in price in the future, probably a lot more than other automobilia !~
Nice find Trey!! Great Ford sign.
Thank you for the love Vetraio50.
Thank you for the love dav2no1.
Thank you for the love bobby725.
Thank you for the love pickrknows.
Thank you for the the love Watchsearcher.
Thank YOU for the love and comments AnythingObscure:) In a flash if she would let me LOL
Thank YOU Newfld for the love and comment:)
Thank YOU Pacem for the love and comment:) I have some of those too :)
Thank you for the love officialfuel.
Thank you for the love bb2.
Thank YOU PhilDMorris for the love and comment:) Signs are going through the roof in value:)
Ford signs are the best. Especially the Shelby model.
Thank you RichmondLori for the love.
Thank you fortapache for the love.
Thank you clockerman for the love.
Thank YOU for the love and comment jscott0363.
Thank you for the love Brunswick.
Thank YOU for the comment Coke1234
Thank you for the love Rattletrap AKA Sparky.
Thank you for the love Manikin.
Thank you kwqd for the love.
Thank you MarmorealMaiden for the love.
Thank you for the love elanski.
Thank you for the love vintagelamp.
Thank you for the love vintagegirl66.
Thank you for the love leighannrn.
Thank you for the love kingshawn.
Thank you for the love oldpeep.
Thank you for the love EJW-54.
Thank you for the the like sanhardin.
Thank you for the like crswerner.
Thank you for the like Beachbum58.
Thank you for the love and nice comment Ms.CrystalShip:)
Thank you for the love MooreAntique.
Thank YOU for the love mrcolorz.
Thank YOU for the love chrissylovescats.
Thank you for the love AntigueToys.