Posted 4 years ago
(3476 items)
my second carded Matchbox model. I posted my first a few months back. In most toy stores the Matchbox cars were kept behind the counter and there would be a display on top. You would ask for which one you wanted and the clerk would take your money and give you your Matchbox car. In other stores they were kept on the shelves in cards like these.
This model the Lincoln Continental was first released in 1964 and sold through 1971. For the first three years it was darker blue. In 1967 it was changed to the turquoise color seen here. In 1970 and 71 it became a Superfast model in olive green. The box on this one is an F Style box used in 1969. Slight chance it is from 1968 but unlikely.
The exciting feature on this model is that it has an opening trunk. Lincoln Continentals had very large trunks and were something to be proud of. It was a bit primitive for a 1969 model but it was along with the Pontiac Grand Prix the oldest model in the catalog in 1969.
Next week I may get all my Lincoln Continentals together. I think four of them.
When I was in high school in the late 80s, my friends dad was a mechanic instructor at the state prison. He bought my friend a 1969 Pontiac Grand Prix SJ with the 428. Black with a white interior. That was a big car...but that big block could get that thing moving!
My Aunt & Uncle had a white one 1967 with those same doors. I was in grade school then & loved that car!
Apparently matchbox wants people to send in their old cars so they can recycle them...I don't think so!
Thank you very much dav2. My 64 Pontiacs are one of my favorite Matchbox models.
Thank you very much Alfie. My step grandmother had one. Sure wish we would have kept that along with our 64 Impala.
Dav2 I can see how they would want the barbies. I see tons of those at flea markets that are not vintage and likely will never be used. I would never do that to a vintage Matchbox. The old ones have about 3x the steel of a new one.