Posted 4 years ago
(3472 items)
These were the first 6 inch figures Marx Toys made. I believe these were first released around 1962. A different sculptor was used for these than all the later figures. They have excellent animation but are not quite as sharp as far as the detail goes. Look a bit more waxy. Also they are not marked on the base unlike the later figures. You can tell they are marines by the uniforms. US Army wore more of a regular shirt (they were supposed to wear ties). Marines had more of the fatigue style uniform used post WWII by the army.
Going down to photo #3 we have either a sergeant or Lieutenant leading a charge. He has a pistol and a .45 Thompson submachinegun. The other is a rifleman with an M1 Garand.
Photo #4 has one charging with an M1 Carbine. Normally the carbine would be carried by a platoon leader but this figure has no pistol so a riflemen then. I would prefer the M1 Carbine over the M1 Garand as it is easier to handle. I have shot both so I know what is right for me. Note the flying helmet straps. The other is in hand to hand and is giving someone a rifle butt.
Plenty more toys and and a sign and a saw to come.
Fabulous Marine figures, love their "first to fight" stance, cool uniforms & ammo
Wow, the detail that went into these!! Lifelike facial expression of the solder in pic #3.
Nice. I like the way they convey a sense of movement
Thank you very much Newfld. They are indeed.
Thank you very much Scott. Yes that one is exceptional yet balanced.
Thank you very much elanski. They would make great statues.
The running poses are super here, love these !~