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1950's aluminum jalousie storm door

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1778 items)

    The other day when I was in and out of my basement for something else collectable, I realized that its (inner) door to the patio might be old/interesting enough to show here too, so what the heck - I took some pics of it and here 'tis. This door came with my house which was built in 1954, if that door wasn't original equipment to it there's no doubt it came along very shortly afterward. (an early resident here built his own 'TV/HiFi man cave' in there, most of his cabinetry remains)

    Not your average 'screen door' at all, it is quite sturdy and surprisingly heavy, even allowing for the weight of the glass. Pics 1 & 2 are exterior/interior - in #2 note the heavy duty pneumatic closer above and the lever on the LH side by the handle which opens and closes the glass. The windowpanes are open in pic 4, (Oreo pups made a cameo) and the lock/latch handle and cool 3-tube guard bar are seen. Pic 3 is a closeup of the middle of the solid inner push-bar which is curious unto itself - the local door dealer seems to have applied his own smaller name label atop the much larger originally engraved name of the actual maker of the door. I can't make out what that name is...??

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      I’ve never seen a door like that! Cool!
    2. keramikos, 4 years ago
      Very cool.

      Apparently, they're called Jalousie windows:
    3. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 4 years ago
      Absolutely yes keramikos -- the 'jalousie' refers directly to that style of window, where narrow panes of glass hinge open as a group instead of a single pane moving up/down. (or sideways, etc) I don't know where the term comes from offhand (probably the dude that invented it?) but they were popular in the 50's/60's. In mid/northern (US) climates for screen or patio doors mostly, they were much more common in southern areas where 'winter heating' wasn't an issue, and often whole homes were fitted with them. Jalousie windows are also commonly found in mobile homes and travel trailers, but are seldom used in home construction anymore because of their extreme lack of efficiency and relative impossibility to 'secure' from intruders. (as, by design, they're about equally efficient as no window at all in the ability to keep weather *or* burglars in/out...)
    4. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 4 years ago
      I live in Florida and still have one Jalousie window in the kitchen. All other windows are now hurricane windows. This house I own was built in 71 and the window is original equipment for Florida ( except for hurricane season). I have no plans to change it because it is still tight and never gets opened.
    5. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 4 years ago
      The pair of Jalousie windows "I never thought I'd see" were in a church someplace in southern California. The 50's-ish A-shaped nave of the church had (as most do) a balcony platform across the back stained glass wall over the entrance doors with a center panel sorta depicting something -- to either side of that panel were **stained glass Jalousie windows** a couple feet wide and floor to ceiling, probably 15' high each. In keeping with the styling of the rest of the glass they were just solid-color panes in a random pattern, but that's sure as h*ll what they were, and they still operated, too...??? (I made a special trip up the steps after the concert just to look closer at them, instead of to greet the organist... <LOLOL>)
    6. keramikos, 4 years ago
      AnythingObscure, On the church with jalousie windows: wow.

      As to the name of that company engraved on the aluminum, no joy on "Vacol Aluminum Company," but a search on that human name produced this:

      (From the June 6, 1958 edition of the Arkansas Catholic):


      NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY!... APCO Aluminum Screens and Doors Kaiser Shade Screens CALL FOR Aluminum Products Company FREE Mike Selligman, Jr., Owner ESTIMATE, 801 W. Markham FR 4.8782—FR 4-7573


      Then there is this obituary for another Selligman, probably a relative of the other:


      GEORGE CONWELL SELLIGMAN, 76, of Maumelle lost his battle with cancer Wednesday, May 18, 2011. He was born in Pine Bluff, Ark., to the late Mitchell and Frances Selligman.

      George served in the Navy as an electrician, Veteran of the Korean War and served on the USS Harry E. Hubbard. He owned and operated his business, Aluminum Products Company in Little Rock. He will be missed by all that knew him.

    7. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      My apartments in Honolulu had jalousie windows...they are very common there. I loved opening them for the breezes. The only thing I didn’t like was that every little sound from voices to street noises came right in, day and night.
    8. keramikos, 4 years ago
      Apparently, they're still popular in various hot climates:

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