Posted 4 years ago
(3475 items)
Yes it is a Superfast card but this tractor was never released as a Superfast model as were a few others not suitable. Still they all used the same basic card just the model number and name was different. Also note there is no box. I think this may have been the first year of the boxless Matchbox although they also still sold them in boxes. But not the card with a box.
The Ford Tractor was first sold in 1967 and sold as MB 39 through 1971. It was also sold in all blue as part of the K 20 tractor transporter set from 1967-1972. A year longer but the all blue tractors are a rare. Even more rare is an orange version sold only in 1972 as BM-2 which was a transporter with a winch.
Now one may note the tires are not quite on the hubs. This happens to most Matchbox models but on this card it will be impossible to fix without damaging the card or bubble.
Please note this is a find the hidden cat round.
Is that an eye in the top left corner of photo 3?
Pic #3' card is leaning against Smokey's back leg as he is lying down and turning his head towards the camera.
Thank you very much BHIFOS. I can't see the eye but that is where he is.
Thank you very much fattytail. Yes I put him t o work to hold up the card. Also he is the background for pic #3.
Yes they have to useful for something, still looking for one for mine apart from emptying my wallet at the Vets!
Vet bills bad. I spent $600 and ended up with one less cat.
Fort how do you secure your tires on the loose ones that you have? I just wrap some plumbers tape around the hubs then slide the tire back on. It then fits good and snug and the tape is hidden from sight.