Posted 4 years ago
(935 items)
For the last few years I've put together a Pride themed glass grouping, this year I've gone for satin glass, one of my favourite types of art glass of the Victorian era.
I didn't have any purple satin glass (it must be super rare as I've not managed to score any yet) so pink had to suffice instead!
Second photo is a grouping composed of a recent acquisition, a blue bottle shaped vase in ribbed satin glass, flanked by two small J.I.P vases of the same decor. This colour scheme is significant to me as well, incorporating pink & blue.
Third photo celebrates my pride in achieving my goal to be myself. I've struggled, & hurt, & sometimes thought I'd never get there, but I did, & I'm so grateful for everything I've learned along the way. Challenges remain, & more goals are on my list, but I have a light within that leads me on. Meanwhile, I'm living the dream!
Lovely glass, Marin, and nice to find you 'happy in your skin'. The last phrase I picked up in France and we don't seem to have an equivalent in English.
Please delete my mouse playing up!
Shivering with fright from the Cat! :)
Some interesting furniture in the last photo, love the table behind your right foot!
Many thanks, Peggy, that is such a lovely sentiment - it's exactly how I feel!
LOL, Bernard, that is a choice pun!
My furniture is a real mixed bag, glad you like it. The small table looks like it's made from crystal but it's plastic. A Target knock - off of the expensive designer "Stone" stool by Kartell, designed by Marcel Wanders. I wanted to buy the real thing for years, but never could afford it at the time, & when this cheap replica turned up, I snapped it up.
I love your photo!You look so stylish,so victorian as the glass you collect.Hand in glove:)
Thanks so much Ivonne! Your comment has made my day!
Very nice grouping!! You look VERY regal in the third photo. Great pic my friend!!
Much appreciated, Scott, so kind of you to say so!
I'm just the Archduke of my own little world, LOL.
I do idolise various eccentric characters from the late 19th century - 1920s & feel as though I would have held court in a strange salon somewhere in Central Europe...
At the start of 2017 I dared to dream, & my goal was to enjoy life & live well...despite many challenges, I made it real.
The life is a Pandora Box.... it is so delightful being what we think is the best.... and understanding that everybody has the right to be different... Compliments for your achievements....
Many thanks, kivatinitz - beautifully expressed sentiments!
IronLace, Beautiful satin glass, but that B&W picture of you in your home is great. :-)
Thanks so much, keramikos!
This is from a series of photos, I'm planning an artwork based on it, though it's not my usual thing. I'm taking it somewhere different conceptually than a self - portrait - turning it into a personal perspective on historical events & how they intersect with current social & political issues.
The idea for the photo shoot came from a photo of Truman Capote in his salon, surrounded by his collection of porcelain, glass, etc. As a creative person & collector I wanted to do my own take on it.
Marin you are a star among us and you deserve so much pride.
I showed my son you last photo and he asked me was it especially styled. The Victorian trend, your stylish suit and brogues, the young man reading.
We are both very impressed.
I like the satin glass rainbow. Like you, apparently fragile but quite strong, muted yet detailed, thoughtfully made and beautifully executed.
I just!! looove that photo of you, you look so smart, it’s a shame more men don’t dress like this anymore, and your ‘stuff’ is wonderful!..and as you know, dare?.. I say it again, in case I have it wrong, love it in the black and white...
Thanks so much, valentino97!
Thank you so kindly, Karen!
Thrilled to think you shared this with your, this was planned & set up, & my partner (who some years ago won a certain notorious art prize) took the photos in this session at my request & direction. The room always looks like this, & I generally maintain high standards of dress, although the suit is not my usual studio attire. I had it custom made in 2017, just for fun, though it ultimately turned out to be rather serious fun. The book is one of my favourites, a rare one I found by chance in 1995, the only novel written by the legendary artist Giorgio De Chirico, titled "Hebdomeros".
Thanks also, Penny!
Yes, this is definitely B&W, the original photos were done in colour but some were changed to B&W in the editing process, & I enjoyed them so much more than the colour ones. B&W was so much more in tune with the idea I had for this image, the sense of past & present colliding into a timeless space...
I really love dressing this way, & in my ideal world I'm like this all day, every day...
Beautiful glass, but I love the last photo!
Black and white always seems to capture more than a color shot.
I agree with the others..the B&W photo is great! And a classic pin stripe suit...very dapper! I like the staging as well, nice use of different levels with arrangements of collections. Looks formal without being boring..
Thanks so much, Scott!
And I agree on B&W photos, they just have that something extra. When I was an art student 30 years ago I learned the art of B&W "wet" photography & enjoyed the way images could be transformed into something quite different from what was seen by the eye. I think it is more conducive to suggestions of memory, as well as unifying a composition.
Thanks also, dav2no1, much appreciated!
As someone who aims to integrate the formal into everyday life, it seems like I've achieved my goal...
Love it! Especially the fact that you have learned to be yourself. It would be a very boring world without our differences and eccentricities. Love the black and white photo as well! Great job!!!
Many thanks, vintagelamp!