Posted 4 years ago
(300 items)
A. O. Smith Corporation of Milwaukee Badges
The A.O.Smith corporation was founded by Charles J. Smith in 1874. By 1899 the name had changed to A. O. (Arthur Oliver) Smith who invented a new method for making automobile body frames. The company is still going strong with a long history of engineering and technology advances and some interesting badges. First is a red and white enameled employee honor badge for perfect attendance dated 1972. The enamel is spotted and the badge looks to be Asian made. The second badge is from the AO Smith Medical Department. This badge is nickel plated bronze with a patent number indicating an issue date after 1938. The wear on the high points of the design indicates it was used as a wallet badge. This badge is what an A. O. Smith employee who called in sick could reasonably expect to be knocking at his door to see if they were really sick and at home.
And you had better really be sick!