Posted 4 years ago
(26 items)
These owls are incredibly detailed for such small objects. I am puzzled as to how they would have been used...I can find no examples on line to use as a reference. Please help me, my CW friends... They measure 1 1/2" in diameter. Any information that I could get would be helpful: What is that carved yellow orange material? Should I clean the rainbow patina from the pair with the baby, or will that reduce value? What are they? I thank you in advance for any help on this one.
Not sure...maybe costume this..
Thank you dav2no1! I guess the bottom set could be an antique botonadura set. Still not sure, as the usually span wider around the leg of the pant. I really do thank you for the help; Greg
They look like belt buckles to me.
I doubt they are Victorian.
I can imagine a lady of more recent times-maybe 20s to 50s, wearing a dress with a narrow belt at the waist with the golden owl buckle.
To accompany that dress when traveling or going out for the evening, she would wear a cape over her shoulders. The cape would have the darker owls sewn at the cape’s neck so she could don or remove it easily. The little dangling owl would be attractive hanging there at the cape’s opening.
This lady I’m envisioning would be very stylish indeed. ;^)
The CW community is so awesome! The way that you collectively take on a mystery is inspiring... The way you had me picturing the scene of the owl's use had me intrigued Watchsearcher. I thank you all for the help...
I did an brief online search and found a couple (already sold) on Etsy. Those had slight differences but their descriptions stated they were Victorian…but there was no definite documentation of their age.
These are both cloak clasps. Circa 1910, European. They are unusual, I usually only see the Arts & Crafts ones.