Posted 4 years ago
(98 items)
These were found by a friend of mine in the vicinity of Poolesville Maryland many years ago.
It was the site of many Union army camps in the war, especially early in the war.
On the fourth row are two .58 bullets with the triangle base.
Also on the 5th row is one Enfield bullet with the wood plug still in the cavity.
Could you shoe a comprehensive pic of the triangle based bullets ? I know of no gun with a triangular bore. Interesting !
Good question. I will upload a pic later today of a .58 Springfield bullet,
and also a Southern shotgun bullet each with a triangle base. I hope I can get a good
image of these bullets in my collection. tintyper
OK the photos are up, and look good to me.
The larger bullet was also located at Poolesville found in the 1970s.
A shotgun bullet I believe.