Posted 4 years ago
(593 items)
When I opened the Mail Box Today Sunday July 11, 2021, only because the Mail Might have come Late Yesterday, I found a small Packaged Box, I thought that It might be from my #1 Mary(valentino97), and it was, but not a clue of what it could be! Mary told me in an E-mail "found a little dorky present" and that it was coming from New York! So I opened it and found a Not so Dorky, but a very Thoughtful Gift, Mary knows, like a lot of You do That I love to Bowl, and was So Happy to finally get back to it again after California Opened back Up after being shut down because of the COVID Pandemic!
The Vintage Salt Pin 3 7/8" tall and1 3/4" at the widest, marked with an orange MADE IN JAPAN oval paper sticker, and Pepper Ball 1 3/4" dia. marked with a blue oval paper sticker that reads A MAFCO. PROD. JAPAN
Thank You for this Very Thoughtful Gift my #1 Mary, I'm very Happy to get these Bowling Collectables! :^D
Thank You all for taking a Look, all Comments are Welcome! :^)
Hey Brian and Tim, thanks for taking a look, and giving a love for what You saw! Bill :^)
Very cute S & P bowling set Bill, what a perfect present! My brothers loved bowling too & actually worked at alleys (one brother tended bar there for awhile) and they were always in leagues. A fun sport
Thank You Jenni, Mary(valentino97), Did Good! :^D I've only been bowling for about 51years some day I might learn it! :^D
Thanks for looking, and loving what You saw, Daisy1000, bb2 was here and Jenni too, very nice of the three of You! :^)
Thank You for checking out this Fun Gift that I got from my #1 Mary(valentino97), Kevin, Pascale, and Ben, and for the love that you all gave, it's appreciated! :^)
Smiling Big my #1 Mary, and Thanking You again! It is very thoughtful Gift, that You gave me! :^D Bill :^) xoxo