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Welz Vase

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Bohemian Art Glass585 of 6907Vtg Bohemian Czech Cased Glass Black & Yellow Cut to Clear. Schappel? Haida?Loetz Rose Bowl
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (418 items)

    Got this a couple of years ago and the guy selling it said it was carnival glass. I know better now that it's Bohemian but not sure if Loetz (favouring) or Kralik. As you can see in the last photo plenty of uranium in it. 185mm high.
    I initially wasn't sure but Peggy has come to the rescue it looks pretty much like it is Kralik. Thanks you for sharing your knowledge! :)
    Peggy has backtracked with her comment but a new one from WB looks like it is on the mark so I have edited the listing. Thank you for your research welzebub.

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    1. sklo42 sklo42, 4 years ago
      The fact that the moulded shape continues on to the base is typical of Kralik.
    2. sklo42 sklo42, 4 years ago
      BHIFOS I'm going to have to backtrack some here. There may well be other makers who extended the relief pattern on to the base.
    3. welzebub welzebub, 4 years ago
      FWIW, personally, I would be inclined to think that this may be Welz production. Welz made the Maze decor, and also used a very distinctive Cadmium Yellow color in their production. The color of yellow is not really one that is found in use in Kralik production, but is found on some shapes identified as Welz production, and also in some other decors such as draped.

      Here is a link to an image which shows your vase next to a Cadmium Yellow example in the same decor and shape. I am of the opinion that the Cadmium example is Welz production.
    4. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 4 years ago
      Thanks for your comments I have now looked around at Welz Maze decor and yes the patterns look the same and your picture of the two vases show the very same shape and with that colour being a Welz specialty I think I need to edit my listing :)

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