Posted 4 years ago
(37 items)
this is a six inch sabino france glass butterfly I bought on Etsy. i am going to use it for a hood ornament on my 59 Studebaker Lark next year.This is an open winged sabino butterfly. i am expecting a closed winged one later.
decolady, That is gorgeous. <3
I don't think I'd dare to install it on an automobile as a hood ornament where it would be so vulnerable.
there is a way to do it. it was used as a hood ornament. my husband is an auto mechanic and very handy with our cars and things pertaining to it. yes it would have to be secure it was pricey . i dont drive my car much, and it is kept in a garage when not in use
actually i heard it can be used as a radiator hood ornament.
Not gonna look good on that truck..
im not putting on our truck, im putting it on my 59 pink studebaker lark
It is beautiful and I am sure your Lark is too.
Match made in heaven! Please show us once it's done.
it wont be done until next summer. next year
can anyone tell me about this glass buttefly. i tried looking online but did not find much information. was it used as a hood ornament? how old is it? it is signed sabino paris on the bottom. i would like to know the history of this, if anyone knows. ty
meant butterfly