Posted 4 years ago
(199 items)
Saw this pin on line and had to have it. Just a few bucks(usd) and figured I would give it to Hippiearchaeologist, if he doesn't already have one. Just a bit of rust on the back.
2&3 is incredible luck. Saw on Evilbay and got the belt piece for my Nazi party leaders belt buckle. The real luck is, it has the same maker's code as my buckle. Then shooting a cell phone that kept giving me trouble and showing my respect for modern technology. I remember having trouble with mechanical pencils ! (And I'm an aircraft mechanic !) Think about that next time you fly. I promised my Mother I would never fly in anything I worked on. She was a wise woman. A bientot
Agree 100% with the fate of that phone -- OH, how I wish I could do that to mine, nearly all the time... <LOLOL> The dispos-all in the kitchen sink might be fun too, and you can see 'phone vs. blender' all over the internet already...there's also SO many potentially amusing ways one could show one of those evil little blinkieboxes who's really its boss... <LOLOLOL>
Anything, tech sucks more often than not. I remember when we only had 2 TV channels and the choice was better than you find now with hundreds. LOL
I agree with the cell phone disposal method! :)
I love it!
Happy New Year..Blunder..oxox
Same Inky. I miss you. LOL
You miss me too BB....smiling
Of course, Glenn, whoever the hell you are.
some times I wonder that too BB Merry ho ho
I’m still here, Blunder…lurking ..watching….%+)
I have a sneaking suspicion who!.. I’m watching ya! too…;+)
Inky, you're not going to share, even on email ? I may be easy, but I'm not cheap.
And here’s me thinking you were!..:+))
lol ,..inky I throw out a few crumbs now and then to me .....dang when up the along the river and stopped in on a old fella I know...there we were talking and he asked who I was after 25 years ...I told him to check with inky....smiling .. he's only 76.. keep and eye on BB lol later ...
looks like you rifle blew up ..? you ok ...? hmmmmmmmm
Roy, I doubt that I have to explain how a flintlock works to you. Glen, after only 25 yrs, and your own father doesn't recognize you ? lmao ! I want to know where Inky is from, so I can order a dozen ! Might be old, but not dead yet. (of course the day's not over).
sounds like your holding on ..only cause you want to see inky again....has she grown much...? or still runt of the later,have to pick out a stole .. my wife's nice ask me to perform a wedding for her and her Bo on a beach...surfs up .hmmmm