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Weird panther bracelet ? with cufflink-style clasp - or is it something else?

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (104 items)

    Came across this unusual bracelet pair recently - at least I think they are bracelets....

    Overall 9" long and unsigned, they barely manage to go around my manly wrists. What puzzles me is that the toggle closure would be a pain, literally and figuratively, when worn on the wrists, since the cufflink-style toggle stands up over 1/2 inch when closed and would catch on everything. Could they be for a more specific use? Has anyone here seen or worn this style on both wrists? Was there a one-time fad for this style? Appreciate any and all guesses.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      Have you tried them on French cuffs? I don’t think they are meant to attach to each other and be a bracelet…. I think they are cufflinks- very showy ones!
    2. Pencil-necked-geek Pencil-necked-geek, 4 years ago
      Thanks for the replies!

      So, I'm left to wonder - do women wear french cuffs? Haven't seen it done, myself.

      Would these 'links' still wrap around the wrist, or would they hang as a loop? I'm guessing the former, but even then it would seem they would be tight for a woman, much less a man.

      And finally - would you call them 'cufflinks', or is some other term more appropriate?.
    3. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      Yes, women wear French cuffs. :-)
      I’m not sure we are talking about the same thing because they would never wrap around the wrist.

      If you look online, you can probably find a picture of how this type of cuff link is worn …..male or female, they are worn in the same manner.
    4. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      The term is “wrap around cuff links”……there are many pictures if you Google that term. :^)
    5. keramikos, 4 years ago
      Pencil-necked-geek, Cool. :-)

      Watchsearcher is quite right that you'll see numerous examples of wrap around cuff links if you use that as your search criteria, but yours seem unusually long.

      Here is an example of a pair with a ruler in some of the pictures so that you can see that end-to-end, one is only about 5cm/2 inches long:

      Yours looks like end-to-end, they're about 25.4cm/10 inches long. Closed, I'm guessing the circumference is about 21.59cm/8.5 inches.

      I don't quite know what to make of these, but 21.59cm/8.5 inches circumference is enough for many if not most women's wrists.

      I agree that those cuff link-style toggles could be a nuisance to wear, but then I find most wrist jewelry a nuisance to wear.

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