Posted 4 years ago
(3473 items)
The original figures were made by Marx in the 1950s. Some of the figures have the Smokey Bear hats and they are a bit thicker than the figures made in the 1960s. I believe these were made by making new molds from existing figures. I doubt if they had the Marx molds or if they did they were still usable. There are several companies that do recasts. The figures are what is called the 60mm scale. An adult figure would be a bout 60mm tall. The adult in this case is the scout master seen in figure 3. There were 16 poses, I have 9 here.
I think they may have cheated with the basketball players. Your typical team sports have not been something the Boy Scouts do. They may have been made for another set or meant for another set. The others are all involved in traditional boy scout activities. Such as reading a map to someday become Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.
I wonder if the map reading skills badge has been replaced with an ask Alexa for directions badge yet?
Thank you very much elanski. They get a merit badge for teaching an adult how to use Alexa.
These are super cool. I have never seen this set. The Marx play set hay day was a few years before my time. My uncle had several sets. My favorite was the blue and the grey along with this cool bull from a cowboy set. I had the WW2 set from the mid to late 60s. Thanks for sharing
Thank you very much Dgilmer. I have a few playsets, perhaps 10. They are a lot of fun.