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Dorsett Great Seal

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Medals Pins and Badges101 of 1592UNITED STATES STEEL 25 yrs pin1924 New York Hunting & Trapping License
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (274 items)

    Mount Vernon has on display the bronze Dorsett Great Seal. In 2007 two silver plated lead versions were found in Rhode Island. In 2011 a third was found, all have identical engraving dating circa 1789. Today I found another silver plated lead seal with the same engraving. These pictures are my seal you can compare to the photos on line of the other Dorsett seals.

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 4 years ago
      How does "Dorsett" fit in ?
    2. flashlarue flashlarue, 4 years ago
      Dorsett had the broze version of this seal which was donated to and now on display at the Washington Museum at Mount Vernon.
    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 4 years ago
      Question still not answered. Was Dorsett the name of the engraver ?
    4. flashlarue flashlarue, 4 years ago
      After George Washington died in 1799 his nephew acquired the seal. Later the nephew gave the seal to Dorsett's ancestor. Finally it came into Dorsett's possession. Dorsett loaned the seal to the museum at Mount Vernon. After Dorsett's death his family gave it to the museum to keep.
    5. keramikos, 4 years ago
      blunderbuss2, to satisfy further your information tooth about Palemon Howard Dorsett:
    6. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 4 years ago
      That wasn't so hard. LOL ! But we still don't know who the engraver was. My guess is that it was made in the UK.
    7. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 4 years ago
      I'm in a generous mood, so I'll give you a hectare of land, 6 goats, 3 copper bracelets and a 3 legged water buffalo for it.
    8. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 4 years ago
      I don't believe a word of it being rare after researching it but I will swap ya a rusty boy scout knife but postage is on you.
    9. flashlarue flashlarue, 4 years ago
      The engraver most likely was Robert Scot or one of his workers.
    10. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 4 years ago
      I agree.

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