Posted 4 years ago
(3475 items)
Yes this hubcap can also be used as a dog dish for those who have a dog that needs a dish. Now this exciting piece is a hubcap for a 1965 Chevrolet. It was used for the Impala, Bel Air and Biscayne. Not the most spectacular hubcap but it does have a nice simple design with a easily seen Chevy logo. The Chevy logo may be the easiest of all car logos to recognize. It has gone from blue to gold now but still the same shape.
It does make a fine wall hanger and it was way cheaper than the typical tin sign.
They are called poverty hubcaps. You can google it.
Nice. Is that a Maytag wringer washer there? That's also nice!
Thank you very much Michael. I did and they are indeed.
Thank you very much Alfie. It is indeed a Maytag wring washer.
Yep lots of early muscle cars were striped down to save weight and had dog dish hubcaps. The more plain Jane the better for winning at the drags back in the late 50’s and early 60’s.
Thank you very much Coke. That explains why I like this one.