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Four 1800s boxer cabinet photographs john sullivan ?

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Cabinet Card Photographs11 of 429Found at consignment store todayVintage photo of woman with tiny waist.
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (39 items)

    Cool pickup i swear the top left boxer looks like a young John sullivan. Im not sure who they all are and if they are boxers but its what ive been told thanks

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 4 years ago
      I don’t see Sullivan. Is it just “looks like” that led you to Sullivan?

      I am not sure that they are even boxers. Your guys could be part of the same athletic club or group.

      Most era images of boxers that I have seen/ owned are bare chested.

      Your photos appear to be 1880s cabinet cards.


    2. Tnccardz7282 Tnccardz7282, 4 years ago
      Thanks he really does look like sullivan though. I like them. I think you are right but they are cool and in really good shape except for one
    3. keramikos, 4 years ago
      Tnccardz7282, Cool. :-)

      That studio does seem to have been active in the 1880s:


      Edsall, photographer, West Side Gallery, 487 Eighth Ave., nr 34th St., New York, NY (1880s)


      But scottvez is right in that most pictures of boxers in that era were depicted bare-chested in a fighting post:

      I wonder if the young men in your cabinet pictures aren't weight-lifters, given the style of belts they're wearing.
    4. Congcu, 4 years ago
      The emblem/logo on one of the men's shirt may tell you something.
    5. keramikos, 4 years ago
      Congcu, I saw that. I wondered whether it was a medal.

      The other thing I noticed is that one of the subjects might have been a south-paw, because he's wearing his belt buckled in the opposite direction of the other three.
    6. keramikos, 4 years ago
      I looked at this again, and noticed something else. Assuming (yes, I know) that none of the images were flipped by the photographer, the subjects don't all cross their arms the same.

      The top and bottom subjects on the left-hand side cross their arms so that their left arm is on top, whereas the top and bottom subjects on the right hand side cross their arms so that their right arms are on top.

      It probably means nothing with regard to the subjects' athletic interests, but it is interesting:
    7. Tnccardz7282 Tnccardz7282, 4 years ago
      Wow i see that also kinda crazy. Im told maybe college wrestlers? Wish i could make out the medal
    8. keramikos, 4 years ago
      Tnccardz7282, Wrestlers seem like a good guess.

      The subjects are muscular-looking, but not muscle-bound. Also, the one wearing the medal does look college-age to me.

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