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SINGER sewing machine attachment, 'slant needle'

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    I'll predict "someone else" around here already knows more about this thing at a glance than I ever will ;-) ;-) <lol> but anyway, here 'tis. A SINGER sewing machine gizmo obviously, its top with the SINGER name opens to reveal lots of little mechanical parts inside. (that'd no doubt need a good cleaning/oiling to be used again) On its side it is stamped with a (part?) number and words SIMANCO and SLANT NEEDLE. I'm guessing it belonged to an "older" maybe treadle style machine due to its black color and gold lettered name, I kinda think it was found in proximity to the 'basket case' machine (already shown here and now mostly in my rust garden) that came from a cleanout house.

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    1. keramikos, 3 years ago
      AnythingObscure, Cool. :-)

      What you have is an automatic zigzag attachment for Singer slant-needle machines like the 301 and 404:
    2. keramikos, 3 years ago
      AnythingObscure, I probably should have elaborated on this before.

      While it's quite possible that the attachment in this post is old enough to have been designed for the earliest Singer model 301s which did have a black finish, it would not have been compatible with the Singer in your rust garden, which was a model 31-15:

      The slant needle Singers were newer models than the model 31-15, and the earliest of them, the 301, was introduced for Singer's centennial:

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