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KRISS KROSS Stropper and Razor 1927

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Razors2 of 152OSTER Model 105 hair trimmer Towa, Razor no. 77 3/4 straight razor
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (366 items)

    Okay, I admit it - I like old razors. This one is made by the Rhodes Manufacturing Co. o St Louis, MO.
    the booklet (included) starts off with
    " Kriss-Kross is really three razors in one. a flip of the finger makes it either (A) T-shape, (B) diagonal, or (C) straight - like old style barber razor.."
    and then you STROP the blade to keep it sharp and ready for the next time. You insert the blade in the strop and holding the strop as directed - turn the handle . the strop will rotate the blade against the leather (encased), after 2 or 3 rotations the blade is lifted and flipped over the strop the other side of the blade. nice little piece of engineered history, almost 100 years ago.
    (automation 1927)

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