Posted 3 years ago
(3472 items)
The revised mold group PL-977 was released in the early 1960s. They were mostly a bit sleeker especially the Tyrannosaurus which looked nothing like its predecessor. It was also much more realistic. It did have to drag its tail so the figure could stand. These were sold in three colors, brown, gray and green. I believe this was an early version of green. Normally it was a regular light green. They were sold on cards, bags and playsets. On the cards they would be evenly divided between the colors although there would only be two of one color. The ones for the cards had the best colors. Playsets were generally green and gray and bags all green or gray.
Anyway these were all purchased together and I believe were from the same card due to the color match and these were the eight that would come on the card. But the big stars are the metallic green dinosaurs (although dimetrodon isn't a dinosaur).
No worries as I still have more dinos.
A nice group! Not knowing what a dimetrodon is, I looked it up & found this:
"The Dimetrodon is often referred to as a dinosaur. However, it is a primeval reptile, a so-called Pelycosaurus. The sail on its back was made of skin and bones, helping it to warm itself quicker in the sun. If it wanted to cool down, it positioned the sail parallel to the sun’s rays." ...for shade, I guess. And, I'm guessing the sail had joints on the back at the base to be able to bend. Facinating.
Thank you very much Alfie. I should do a group of not dinosaurs.
What an amazing collection you have!
Thank you very much Daisy.