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Mostly Mainly Manly Matchbox Monday MB 10 Pipe Truck E Box

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (3472 items)

    Bought this one just for the box which is since it didn't have the pipes or the right truck. The truck it came with is the DAF Girder Truck sans girders. Luckily I already have two pipe trucks with pipes but I forgot where I put the pipes to one of them.
    Now as this is an E Box with the E4 style end flap I am thinking this is from 1968, possibly 1967. I photo #2 it is on the left of the F Box I posted a ways back. Each box type seems to have a larger photo or more information on the end flap. The earliest boxes were just solid color. Then they added the model number, then the name of the model and so on. The main art on the front of the box also increased in size and quality. The first boxes had a crude line drawing. The box on the bottom in the last two photos is the F style box. The F box was from 1969. After that is goes to Superfast
    Finding just a box may seem slim but I actually prefer finding a box over an unboxed model.

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    1. Trey Trey, 3 years ago
      Good Find :)
    2. fortapache fortapache, 3 years ago
      Thank you very much Trey!

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