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Large Victorian spreading orange vase with Rococo style gilding - early Loetz

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Bohemian Art Glass259 of 6681Loetz: 1911, vase with etched decoration, number 394.Harrach Tango Glass Basket
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (952 items)

    This was an amazing find today, in my first proper shopping expedition in around 4 months. This week, after a long lockdown, so called non - essential shops have reopened, including antiques shops & op shops. It was SO good to get back out there at long last. Online shopping is great, been doing it for years, but you can't beat in - person shopping. It's the real deal! And it's really nice to have a chat & folks just look so pleased to be back in business.
    So, to this wonderful vase. I spotted it lurking at the back of a cabinet, low down to the ground. I'd never noticed it before, & I had to investigate it further. I was able to get an excellent discount as well!
    I believe it to be an example of early Loetz. A vase of similar shape & colour is depicted as figure 20.03 in Dr. Hasselbach's very informative article on early Loetz production on Over the years, I've poured over that article many times, studying the illustrations so I could memorise them in order to be able to identify specimens "in the wild". I think my studies have paid off!
    The photos don't fully capture the magnitude & impressive quality of this piece.
    It measures 35 cm tall, 9 cm across the base, & 3.7 cm across the top rim. The colour is a "spreading" orange that shades from a deep pinkish/coral tone at the top to a golden orange at the base. The shape is simple - a bottle like form, with a long neck that sits atop an unusual hexagonal body. Finely detailed gilded decoration in the Rococo manner adorns the body & spirals up the neck.
    This was a suitably festive way to celebrate the lifting of lockdown! I also found a really cool pair of shoes at an op shop, so all around I'm a happy camper. Once I've had a haircut I'll feel even better... :-)

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    1. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 3 years ago
      yes we must be free, terrible being lockdown for such a long time
    2. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      It's been a tough time for all of us, & there's still a long way to go, but any small improvement helps us all. Everyone I saw today on my shopping excursion looked happy to have some more freedoms. I totally understand & agree with the concept of lockdowns to protect our health & stop our hospitals from being overwhelmed. On the other hand our mental health suffers badly when we're unable to participate in the activities & work we enjoy & need. So all in all, it's an ongoing challenge!
      I know I'm really appreciating being able to do things I haven't done in several months. I look forward to doing more different things, in a safe & sensible way.
    3. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 3 years ago
      Agree totally with you and I would say that also is so dificult for older people.
    4. larksel larksel, 3 years ago
      Beautiful early Loetz. Congratulations.
    5. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Absolutely, kivatinitz! Being isolated from family, friends, & the activities a person enjoys is terribly stressful. Add to that the anxiety & uncertainty over falling ill & being extra vulnerable makes it even worse.
    6. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Much appreciated, Ales!
      I was so happy to find this one hidden away...
    7. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 3 years ago
      Wow, what a beauty, Marin! As soon as I saw the photos, I thought - early Loetz! I really like the shape of this one, too. Kai's Loetz article is so helpful in learning what to look for - I have read it many times, too. I am glad to hear that you have been able to out and about, and enjoying yourself again! :)
    8. vetraio50 vetraio50, 3 years ago
      Congratulations, Marin !!! I went looking on Thursday but found nothing. I am going to have to venture out further. Hope Wenty happens soon.
    9. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Thanks so much, Michelle!
      It's a fantastic article, I often return to it simply for enjoyment as well as information. So many wonderful pieces of art glass to swoon over!
    10. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Thanks also, Kevin!
      Great to hear that you're also out & about once more, & isn't it nice! I haven't ventured outside the Mountains yet, but hope to do so soon. I'm also hoping that Wenty gets back in action soon, I'm missing it so much since my last visit on March 1 2020...
    11. inky inky, 3 years ago
      Oh!..Marin this is so very pretty, the colour,of the glass is to die for and the enamelling is exquisite..well done you!..
    12. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Many thanks, Penny!
    13. kairomalte, 3 years ago
      Thank you for posting this interesting vase, to my opinion it is décorated by dek=I/202 often seen on 'Malachit' glass. I have the very same vase, but with the glass spreading from orange to yellow.

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