Posted 3 years ago
(5053 items)
I found this painting yesterday and it has grown on me very quickly. it has some age to it and it was done by someone who understands color and form very well. The only identifying element is the number YO 68-33-77 - whatever that means. it reminds me of the work of William Millarc who was a california artist who committed suicide in 1957. His daughter is a very talented artist in Middlebury, VT. I wrote to her and haven't heard back yet. What do you think? it's 21 inches by 29 inches. the back is very weird - lots of tape and paper and spray paint. the front is oils, i think.
Pretty colors!
thanks Newfld.
There are so many dimensions in this painting. A well thought out design. Nice colors too. Maybe the back was the start & end of a mixed media design.
This is beautiful, the colors and thickness of the paint; a lot of control and patience. I love it!
Thanks Alfie and raven! i think i may have identified the artist, but am waiting for the final word from one of the siblings. i think that the back was the beginning of an attempt to copy the front in some way - by a different person.
I got confirmation from both of his daughters that this is by William Millarc, probably around 1948-52. I hope to meet his daughter - painter Mareva Millarc in a couple weeks when i visit my family. She seems like a very nice person and her paintings are fantastic!
How VERY AWESOME that you were able to identify the artist!! <applause>
thank you kevin and AO! i am pretty psyched about it. a man in LA who collects Millarc's work deserves the credit. His name is David Wheeler. Millarc exhibited alongside Okeefe, Motherwell, Rothko, Pollock, and many other familiar names.
hosternokke , what a ripper, congrats
thank you apostata. hosternokke?!
i found out from a collector of his work that this was most likely made in 1956 - the year before he passed away. this went totally viral on a mid-century modern site on fb - thousands of likes and over 400 comments.
pooh he was in the MK-ULTRA program probably, poor man
yes - i agree with you apostata. He was given very high doses of LSD by the CIA as part of one of their experiments w/ hallucinogens in 1955, and died by suicide in 1957. I couldn't find anywhere where there was a connection established, but i certainly wouldn't rule it out.
apostata - i'm still puzzled by 'hosternokke' - zeuwss dialect for goddamit was all i could find.
we got an bible belt in holland , they restricted themselves not to curse, so god dam became hosternokke
it is also used as being surprised, like when you cycling and the sun is shining , and suddenly is starting raining cats and dogs
my former wife who is is an lovely rednick asked ,me , do you like my dress , i said yep , you are lying you say this to do me an favour , HOSTERNOKKE , OK you look like Minny pearl after clashing an sawmill, i knew it ,i knew it , i knew you did,not like it HOSTERNOKKE
later i fell with a lady from Friesland, that was progress de facto,because when she was mad at me i could not understand her at all, i told her to learn sign language, did,not work , HOSTERNOKKE
Love this painting. What a great find. Hope you find out more about it. Sorry that I cannot help.