Posted 3 years ago
(3456 items)
Dinosaur figures are rather common but prehistoric mammals not so much aside from the Wo0ly Mamooth and Smilodon aka Sabre Tooth Tiger. This is first wooly rhinoceros I have seen. There are a few others out there. This one is made by Safari Ltd I am not quite sure about the scale, there real isn't a consistency about that. This one is about 6" long. They were a bit larger than the current rhinos, the largest were 3 tons while current rhinos max out at 2 1/2 tons. These were ice age mammals so they were around with early humans although they didn't seem to be hunted like mammoths.
In the last photo I have it with a Bullyland Mastodon which seem to be similar scales. For some reason ice age mammals have humps on their shoulders. It was the style back then.
Those are some tough ice age mammals!
Thank you very much Alfie. Even the rats had horns then.
Ice Age Rats with horns!...would that be the
Ceratogaulus: a genus of extinct rodent fossorial, They are the only ones known for their horns. It was a burrowing rodent resembling a groundhog. It is thought that these horns could be used when digging, although it is more likely to serve to fight territorial clashes. They fed on roots, bulbs and other underground parts of plants, but also looking for food on the surface."
A good drawing of Ceratogaulus:
Darn Rinos.
Been around 4 Eva
Love it!