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what's in *this* box? (vintage SONY receiver)

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Receivers2 of 23dynatron music centre with goldring lenco gl 78 turntableMarantz 2285 (not a B)
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Well my my my, it's *exactly what it says it is*?!! ;-) :-) :-) :-)

    This is my SONY STR 7035 AM-FM STEREO RECEIVER, still residing in its original shipping carton and packing material after all these years, since I got it "nearly new" in the late 1970's. Still in perfectly operational condition (AFAIK, it worked fine when packed up the last time?) it served as the heart of my personal stereo for at least a decade afterward, in all sorts of places and with all sorts of other components and speakers attached. Made between 1974 and 1977, its serial #605910 matches the label on the end of the box.

    Once while I've owned it (rather early on in its life, now) I managed to fry one channel, then had it repaired. Inside it uses a pair of no-doubt proprietary output modules, metal things a few inches wide but thin with a handful of pins to solder in place, I only know that because I remember getting the blown out one back with the repaired unit. ;-) :-)

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      I, too, had a shelf full of components….yours looks very familiar to me….topped off with a turntable under a clear plastic “lid”, some big speakers positioned here and there around the room, an assortment of albums (my favorites were from the musical Evita and some classical albums from my college music appreciation class so long ago).
      Regrettably, the only thing I have now are the albums. I’ve decided many times to buy a simple record player just to hear them again…have yet to follow thru with that tho. :^(

      I’m glad to see you’ve kept and taken care of yours.
    2. wickencrafts wickencrafts, 3 years ago
      Oh my My
      Oh hell Yes

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