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Happy Tanksgiving Collector's Weekly 2021

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fattytail2's loves77 of 2793ROCO HO Model Minitanks Scud Launcher Circa 1980 Mint on CardMuch Mulch Magnolias Matchbox Monday MB 48 E Style Box 1967 1968
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (3472 items)

    Special 2021 as we all prepare to give tanks. Especially to me as I like tanks.
    Starting with a 1/6 Scale Ultimate Soldier M5 Stuart. It is quite large.
    Next the dreaded Panzer Mk VI Tiger. A 1/5th scale Tamiya model. All the other models are 1/35 scale.
    Third photo are the M3 Lee/Grant tanks. The Grant is the British version in tan and the Lee is American version with a small machine gun turret on top. A three story tank.
    Last is an M48 Patton that has been turned into a moving machine gun nest.
    Sorry I left out my turkey this year.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Happy Thanksgiving to you fort, and all the tanks, gear & soldiers are fantastic
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 years ago
      Very dusty like my place gets. It looks otherwise in great condition. I never knew they made such large pieces as I never had any accessories except what came with my G.I.
      Wonderful that you now have it !~
    3. Bruce99 Bruce99, 3 years ago
      Tanks a lot Fort, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well.
    4. fortapache fortapache, 3 years ago
      Thank you very much Newfld. You are quite kind.

      Thank you very much Searching. I did have some skills.

      Thank you very much Phil. It is very dusty up here as it is mostly dirt and trees. Plus I don't dust often.

      And thank you very much Bruce!

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