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An Early Loetz 'Jack in the Pulpit' vase.

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Bohemian Art Glass495 of 6915Large Czeck VaseArt Deco Era, Bohemian Hand Cut Lead Crystal Scent Bottle by Karl Palda
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (87 items)

    This small 'Jack in he Pulpit' vase was made by Loetz in the early 1890's. It's 'Design Sheet' is lost, but a similar shaped vase is shown in PN=I/3911 (1891-92). It is different as compared to similar conch shaped vases like PN=I/7008 (1897-98) as it is missing the typical red coral branch decoration. The flower made out of 30-fold ribbed, iridized clear green glass is finely spun by an irregular net of thin white veined threadings. The cornucopia like green flower gemmates out of four petals opening from two knotty stems emerging from the backside of the flower itself. This mysterious 'self creating' flower is carried by a short stem of matte iridized clear glass, opening at the top into 6 tear drops and standing on a 7-fold irregular cut foot, as is quite often seen e.g. in PN=I/6999 (1897). The vase stands H=17 cm high and the top opening has a diameter D=8 cm, the foot is D=7 cm and the largest width is L=9 cm.

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    1. josscee josscee, 3 years ago
      So many new finds in loetz.... hmmmm,. very nice .......
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 3 years ago
      A Stunner !!!.!.!!!
    3. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 3 years ago
      Congratulations! It is a lovely piece.
    4. inky inky, 3 years ago
      Fabulous.. love it!..
    5. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
    6. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 3 years ago
    7. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 3 years ago
      Fantastic, looks like some weird creature they found at the bottom of the ocean....who dreams up these designs. :)
    8. kairomalte, 3 years ago
      Thank you all for your 'Loves' and kind comments.
    9. kairomalte, 8 months ago
      Thanks to the research of Volkmar Schorcht, the décor of my cornucopia vase is called 'Japan'.

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