Posted 3 years ago
(3465 items)
Yes another exciting rock and again I am not sure what type. One would think with all my rocks I would know more about them but I don't . I just buy what looks neat. I need to keep space in my memory for the toys I collect.
Now as for the size it is fist sized as are most rocks like these. Got a feeling because people make them that size for easy handling. But then there are geodes and they are naturally formed and are a handy size.
Anyway it is a interesting and colorful rock Happy New Year and all that.
Yeah yeah it's calcite......
No sorry, I have no idea either but I like it!
How ironic you'd show this today. Just earlier my partner brought me a rock not unlike this one asking if I knew why it had been in the middle of the bedroom floor.
I did not...blamed the dog, probably quite rightfully...? <LOL>
(and then put it in the windowsill -- it *is* a pretty rock, after all...??
<ROTFLMAO> along with Lucy
COOL rock:) Happy New Year:)
Thank you very much racer4four.
Thank you very much AO. I am thinking that may not have been a rock.
And thank you very much Trey!
Made it to #4!