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King Stove Company "Sun Oak 17 C wood stove

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1 item)

    I just purchased this Sun Oak 17 c wood stove and would like to find out more about it. I know it was made by King Stove Company in Alabama. Any other information would be helpful. Thanks

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      In picture 2, there’s wording, possibly, across the back edge….what does that say?
      You can post 4 pictures, so add 2 more views.
      Pretty stove. What it originally black? Did someone paint it?
    2. Ray-Ray, 3 years ago
      There is writing on the top edge in back. It says "No. 17 King Stove and Range Co. Sheffield, Ala. I am not sure about painted. I believe the door was painted along with the legs. The person I purchased it from did use a black polish when it wasn't in use. It is complete right down to the ash pan.
    3. Ray-Ray, 3 years ago
      I don't know haw to add more pictures of it.
    4. keramikos, 3 years ago
      Hi, Ray. :-)

      Here's a bit of help on editing a post to add more pictures:

      FYI, somebody else posted a Sun Oak 17-B here a few years back:
    5. keramikos, 3 years ago
      Ray-Ray, here is a Sun Oak 17-B at offerup in better condition than that rusted, legless one here at CW S&T:
    6. Ray-Ray, 3 years ago
      Not much difference between the 17 B and the 17 C. I did pay more that $100.00 for it though. I have no idea what it is worth but I bought it to use it in my wood shop.

    7. SkyPilot SkyPilot, 3 years ago
      this thing will heat you out of your shop .. i have a glen same thing just a lot of nickle, depending on the grate you can burn coal too i'm going to try pellets this year ..good luck
    8. Ray-Ray, 3 years ago
      From what research I have done, the King company sold out in 1917 and the name was changed. That would make this piece over 100 years old. Do I need to use triple wall pipe to take the stovepipe through the wall? I am new to this and just not sure. Thanks in advance.
    9. Ray-Ray, 3 years ago
      I am having a very hard time finding out any information on this parlor stove. How far from the back wall and side walls should this be installed? It also has an oval outlet for the stove pipe. Will a piece of 6 inch round make the oval on one end and still have a round end for connecting more pipe. Any assistance will be helpful. Thank you.
    10. Ray-Ray, 3 years ago
      I am also having a hard time finding the age. Since the company changed names in 1917 I am assuming that it is over 100 years old. Anyone out there know for sure. It is a Sun Oak C-17 by King Stove and range co, in Alabama.

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