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Multiple Mulching Matchbox Monday MB 2 Mercedes Trailer With E Box 1968

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (3472 items)

    Another box variation. I have the F style box but this is the earlier E Style box. This model was released in 1968 and only sold in the E box for one year. I posted the F style box a few years ago. And sadly I just had it for the photo shoot and then misplaced it. I do have the Matching Mercedes truck though and a loose trailer. The trailer has a hook on the back so another trailer can be hooked up. Thus you can make a train. Hopefully I find my other trailer. It is around here someplace. As for a nice feature of this trailer is that the front axle and the towing hook turn. This is actually so that it will fit in the box but it tows better that way too.
    Looks like I will have to do some shopping for next week's Matchbox Monday so stay tuned to see what I come up with.

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