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My great grandmothers sewing machine

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (7 items)

    This is I believe my great grandmothers childhood sewing machine. This maybe a “toy” sewing machine but believe that it is able to actually sew. It has what appears to be hand painted decorations and one in particular depicts Hansel and Greta with the witch and black cat as shown in the third picture.

    If anyone has any information on this in terms of country of origin and age that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance

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    1. keramikos, 3 years ago
      Hi again, KenStuff. :-)


      It looks like this Casige:


      Casige Hansel & Gretel toy sewing machine. The machine dates approximately from the 1920-1930 period (pre WWII era) and is one of the sought after Casige storybook toy sewing machines made by the Carl Sieper factory in Gevelsberg , Germany. The machine is decorated with the Grimm Brothers' Hansel & Gretel fairytale characters taking candy from the witch's house while being watched by her cat. Each base corner is adorned with a pallet of mushrooms. The stitch plate is stamped with the typical Casige eagle holding a key trademark.


      More about Casige:

      Some advice on vintage sewing machine valuation from one of the experts at the International Sewing Machine Collectors' Society (ISMACS) website:
    2. KenStuff, 3 years ago
      Thank you so much for the information. Very helpful!
    3. keramikos, 3 years ago
      KenStuff, You're welcome. :-)

      As to the actual age of your Casige toy sewing machine, you'll have to examine it for clues:
    4. tetrammell53 tetrammell53, 3 years ago
      Beautiful! Love this for my wife wishes she had her grandmother’s sewing machine.

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