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Very Small Imari Plate

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (5053 items)

    This plate is under 4" in diameter and has a nice fluted pattern. Probably signed w/ 'Made under the great Ming emperor...' as usual. This is a really nice little plate.

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    1. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 3 years ago
      very nice
    2. apostata apostata, 3 years ago
      this is bit of misleading combination
      it reads qi yu bao ding zhi zhen

      thats means precious object of rare jade among treasured vessels, that is kanghi , nice try , but kanghi got nothing to do with it

      on the back karakusa=a stylized arabesque pattern. The endlessly growing vines symbolize prosperity and longevity. combined with the foreign colors

      so you might think it is mejji but it is inconsistent

      i think they did it the studio mark kigyokuho teishichin way, difficult i tend to late Taisho

      other plate yongzheng plate, let,s say i have seen better

      am i still behind now , i don,t know anymore, lost track , got so many questions

    3. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 3 years ago
      thanks apostata! many, many Japanese pieces have similarly marks which are often incorrectly written and 'honorific' more than under the said reign. i agree w/ you on Taisho. It's a pretty little plate, but no real age to it. thank you for your help as always and please never feel obligated to comment!
    4. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 3 years ago
      I found out quite a bit about this little plate - it's classic Daishoji. so not Imari. the mark on the base is known as the 'precious' mark. Other characteristics - small size, unglazed sharply bezeled foot, foliate shape, etc... here's a good article about Daishoji, showing pieces almost exactly like mine:

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