Posted 3 years ago
(3472 items)
A very recent acquisition as in a bit over 2 1/2 hours ago. GI Boxes are something I have been neglecting, and this is my second one.
This is just the box top but I have several repro bottoms and when displayed it is the top that is seen. What I really need is the small manual and original sticker sheets but I do have factory made reissues. But anyway the box top is the main part.
The artwork on this box is classic. It features the five original large carded sets and the famed GI Joe logo. Now one note about the cover art which is of a Marine paratrooper. The Marine paratroopers lasted for about 18 months in WWII. They had a total of 5,000 paratroopers and they did one drop in combat which worked out OK. But the Marines decided it wasn't their thing. They had no aircraft of their own for dropping airborne troops. The Marines do have paratroopers still but they are trained by the US Army.
Time to wrap it up and see what I come up with tommorrow.
Good stuff
This is really great!! When the GI Joe was reissued several years back, the boxes were pretty close to the original design. I got each of my sons one.
Thank you very much clockerman.
Thank you very much Scott. I am using one of those reissue box bottoms for this box and it fits perfectly.
Thank you very much clockerman.
Thank you very much Scott. I am using one of those reissue box bottoms for this box and it fits perfectly.