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conventional sized US Army patches/insignias

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Military Insignia and Pins9 of 485Commonwealth Armed Forces Warrant Officers Shoulder Tilelarge leather 48-state US FLAG patch
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    This little handful are conventionally sized cloth/embroidered patches as would be sewn (or snapped, for a few) onto a uniform. I believe they are from the US Army, the top ones representing an officer's rank (Sergeant?) and the lower representing individual Units. That's *all* I know about them. I'm thinking they'd all be WWII vintage, because they were found with the large leather patches just shown.

    Please leave a comment if you can further identify any, if nothing else for the benefit of 'history' as recorded here?!

    :-) :-) :-)

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 3 years ago
      Most are US Army WW2 era patches. Top right is usmc 1SG rank.

      Army rank is SSG.

      Shoulder patches are Army Air Corps and the China, Burma, India or CBI patch. The embroidered one is especially nice.

    2. MasonK MasonK, 3 years ago
      Very nice collection of patches!

      All of the CBI patches (bottom row, flag shield) are theater made, likely India, and would be war time/immediate post-war.

      The two blue patches to the left are Army Air Force (AAF) HQ. The Army Air Corps was the predecessor to the AAF.

      The rank patches are all WWII era, with the exception of the top right khaki colored rank (1st Sgt), which is 50's era.

      Last, the bars to the right are overseas bars. Each bar represents 3 months overseas service. These are WWII era as well.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 3 years ago
      Each overseas service bar represents 6 months of service.


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