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21st Century Toys/Ultimate Soldier P-38 Lightning 1/18 Scale circa 2000

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Alfie21's loves783 of 300221st Century Toys/Ultimate Soldier P-38 Lightning 1/18 Scale circa 2000 Part 2Musty Moldy Mover Matchbox Monday King Size No. 8 Scammel Prime Mover and Trailer 1965-1967
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (3472 items)

    This is a bit of a cross between a model and a toy. It took a couple hours to assemble but has the detail of a high quality model and a larger scale than any model. Also to call it a toy would be wrong, it is more of a collectible. Well now that it is out of production it is a collectible. This was made about 20 years ago.
    To give an idea of the size the wingspan is 34".
    Looks like I will need a part 2.

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 3 years ago
      Pretty good sized plane with a lot of detail to it. This is so very cool!!
    2. Alfie21 Alfie21, 3 years ago
      Very nice. Thanks for sharing. 34" wing span is impressive. Will you hang it from the ceiling or place it in a display case?
    3. fortapache fortapache, 3 years ago
      Thank you very much Scott.

      Thank you very much Alfie. I will hand it from the ceiling as soon as I figure out how.
    4. Alfie21 Alfie21, 3 years ago
      Post a picture, please, when you do display it!
    5. fortapache fortapache, 3 years ago
      A;lfie I I shall post when mounted.

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