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Trash Find! Corner Spice Cabinet

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (5053 items)

    I found this left at the corner waste bin at the nursery yesterday. I was pretty surprised. it has a copper lined basin at the bottom which i think has been used for a plant. There's a little bit wood rot/funkiness going on. i need to figure out how to cover that.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      What luck! Someone must know u would love it and take care of it.
      Have you considered a product called Git Rot?
      You apply the stuff directly to the rotted wood. It soaks in and hardens ….good a new then.
    2. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 3 years ago
      thank you Watchsearcher! that is exactly the type of product i'm looking for.
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 3 years ago
      Very nice find!! I love this!
    4. kwqd kwqd, 3 years ago
      People are nuts.
    5. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 3 years ago
      Isn't there just something weirdly wonderful about the occasional opportunity to "rescue" any odd interesting thing from a trashpile after someone else discards it?? *I* think so, of course (as anybody that's ever looked at my own list of 'stuff' shown here should readily be able to see) and this cute little cabinet certainly qualifies -- a GREAT SAVE!! <cheers><applause>
    6. keramikos, 3 years ago
      AnythingObscure, If you read carefully, it sounds like the previous owner left it at ho2cultcha's plant nursery, so they must have had a clue about a potential new owner that would love it. };-)

      ho2cultcha, It's very cool, and hopefully you'll create a follow up post with the results of your restoration efforts. :-)
    7. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 3 years ago
      well, it was left on top of the public trash bin on the sidewalk outside my nursery. i ordered the stuff to fix it with and am waiting for it.
    8. rancherswife rancherswife, 3 years ago
      OMG, what luck!! Great trash-to-treasure story, or soon will be. Love all the hand-construction, heavy good wood, and copper media added! Wood kind of resembles maple or yellow pine. Was also wondering, in pic #3 those dark dots vertically down the seam? It looks like brass studs/brads might’ve held a decorative strip of copper for ornamentation. Or maybe leather. But since you have a copper tray I’d guess copper. I’ve got a pretty good imagination. ;-). Lol. So those black dots could be something else altogether. At any rate it’s a great find and I look forward to seeing your fixed up/cleaned up final product. Congratulations!!

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